Aleksandr and Tatiana S from Kremenchug

Aleksandr and Tatiana S from Kremenchug “I am Russian according to my passport, Jewish by nationality, a former military pilot.  We have been living in Ukraine for a long time in the city of Kremenchug.  Our daughter and her family have lived in Israel for a very long...

Denise and Marcelo S from Buenos Aires

Denise and Marcelo S from Buenos Aires “We are Denise and Marcelo, along with our son Alex from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aliyah means finding a better future for our family.” “Recently my daughter entered the Naale study program and went to live in Israel for 3 years....

Gabriel P from Cordoba

Gabriel P from Cordoba “My name is Gabriel, I´m from Córdoba, Argentina. Aliyah for me means being able to “go back” to my roots, my origins and reconnect with who I truly am.  I made the decision to make aliyah being aware that my professional experience...

Alan and Dalia R from Buenos Aires

Alan and Dalia R from Buenos Aires “We are Alan and Dalia from Buenos Aires, Argentina and we are making aliyah with our small daughter, Tamara. Aliyah is to fulfill a dream that is ours, as well as that of our ancestors who could not fulfill it.  I (Alan) made the...

Miriam and Luis G from Salta

Miriam and Luis G from SaltaAug 5, 2021 | Argentina “My name is Miriam, I´m from Salta, Argentina.  I am making aliyah with my husband Luis and my children, Tomas and Tali.  For me – aliyah means realizing myself as a Jew. We want to make Aliyah to reunite the whole...

Nicolás U from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nicolás U from Buenos Aires, Argentina “My name is Nicolás, I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aliyah means a great opportunity to change my life.  I decided to make Aliyah by talking to my sister (who lives in Israel). I am practically alone in Argentina and having...
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