Sebastian and Marianela V from Buenos Aires

“My name is Sebastian. I am a husband and a father to two girls. After some time, we as a family have decided to make Aliyah, our huge dream really. We are from Argentina; a country that is going through a very difficult time at every level but especially financially,...

Vanina M from Buenos Aires

“This is a bit of my Aliyah journey I’d like to share with you. My name is Vanina. I am making Aliyah with my son, Netanel, and my daughter, Naomi. We love Israel! In fact, I am toshav chozer because we are returning to the place they were born and to where we all...

Catalina and Mauro M from Entre Rios

“My name is Catalina. I am from Entre Rios, Argentina. I have decided to make Aliyah with my husband Mauro and our little daughter. Aliyah means a lot for me but especially it means a new life ahead of us as a family. I do remember that I have this desire to make...

Raul and Carolina Y from Buenos Aires

Raul and Carolina Y from Buenos Aires “My name is Raúl, I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I’m making aliyah along with my wife Carolina and our children, Naomi and Ariel.  Aliyah means the possibility of continuing our lives in the Promised Land and together with the...

Jessica and Nicolas A from Buenos Aires

“We are Jessica and Nicolas from Buenos Aires, Argentina.  For us aliyah means growth, projects, future, family. The first step to improve our quality of life in a country that allows us to progress.  We made the decision as a family, so that we can both develop, both...

Yanina and Alejandro B from Buenos Aires

Yanina and Alejandro B from Buenos Aires My name is Yanina, I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I am making aliyah with my husband, Alejandro, and daughter, Iara.  We come from Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina – 3 Jews by birth with Jewish culture!” “For us...
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