“We are Jessica and Nicolas from Buenos Aires, Argentina.  For us aliyah means growth, projects, future, family. The first step to improve our quality of life in a country that allows us to progress.  We made the decision as a family, so that we can both develop, both personally and professionally in an environment that encourages those who want to advance.”

“We had problems of discrimination in the work and in the student environment.”

“It is difficult to leave friends and family in this country, we also know that everyone supports us on this new path that we are beginning, because we want to have a better future, with more opportunities and stability, in a country where enthusiasm and the desire to get ahead are truly appreciated and valued.”

“We found out about Ezra through an aliyah group; Ezra is helping us by paying for the process paperwork. A big thank you to Ezra’s sponsors for helping us make the first step toward a better future for our family.”


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