Gabriel P from Cordoba

Mar 19, 2022 | Argentina

“My name is Gabriel, I´m from Córdoba, Argentina. Aliyah for me means being able to “go back” to my roots, my origins and reconnect with who I truly am.  I made the decision to make aliyah being aware that my professional experience is in Tourism and Theater, both of which have been hit hardly by the current pandemic.”

“The most difficult thing about leaving this country is the customs, the friends, and the “closest” way that we Latinos have to relate, but in Argentina I don’t see real conditions to progress. I have had problems with discrimination in high school and elementary school. I am convinced that in Israel I will be able to develop my life with better quality. My biggest dream is to do well professionally, to be able to form a family and a social framework of friendship and support.”

“I found out about Ezra through a Telegram group called “Olim Chadashim”; There I got in touch with Guillermo. His humility, simplicity and gift of person made in me that necessary “click”, to realize that there are still beautiful souls, willing to help you to meet again in the best way.”

“The request for help to EZRA comes from the need to complete my aliyah folder. I need to get my passport and travel to Córdoba capital to carry out this procedure.  I don’t have a job to be able to cover the costs of transfers and paperwork. I haven’t been able to count on food for more than a week, for which I am only taking infusions.”

“I am more than grateful for Guille´s collaboration in a personal way, helping me to be able to continue my aliyah process. Allow me to thank all of EZRA for offering help, themselves in this way, to those of us who have the dream of returning to Eretz ISRAEL. Thank you from Heart to Heart. Thank you for showing that if you want, you can, that if the doors open, it’s because the path is that way. I am convinced that everything happens at the right time and place, and for me they are clear signs that God has a better path for me, and that is why he has sent you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

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