Marina and Nikolai V from Moscow

The story of the Marina and Nikolai, who made the difficult decision to repatriate to Israel, is filled with unexpected discoveries and emotional experiences.  The couple were leaving with their two sons – Igor and Stanislav as well as Stanislav’s wife, Aleksandra. It...

Dmitri and Ekaterina F from St Petersburg

Photo caption: Ezra International “My People Israel” Delegation March 2024 Dmitri and Ekaterina, along with their daughters Arina and Aleksandra, made aliyah from St Petersburg via Azerbaijan. Many families from Russia are leaving the country via neighbouring...

Simona and Viktor F from Samara

Simona and Viktor F from Samara “Making aliyah for us means to live in our own country, our own land together with people who are close and dear to us.  Our daughters and grandchildren have been living in Israel already for a long time.  We decided we wanted to live...

Veronika and Aleksandr T from Rostov on Don

Veronika and Aleksandr T from Rostov on Don “Aliyah is a family reunion for me. My sister already lives in Israel and 18 months ago my daughter left on the NAALE education program. I had to go through a process of DNA testing to check the relationship with my father....

Larisa B from Usole-Sibirskoe

Larisa B from Usole-Sibirskoe My grandfather, Isaak, died in Ukraine during the Second World War.  My grandmother, Maria, was evacu“ated to Irkutsk in 1941 where my father Eduard was born.  Dad lived and studied in Usole-Sibirskoe where he married my mother and later...

Yuri and Yulia B from Novosibirsk

Yuri and Yulia B from Novosibirsk “For my wife, Yulia, and I aliyah means a return to the historical homeland of our ancestors.  I have always been interested in Israel for its unusual (in comparison with other states) history, education, and laws.  Yulia and I met at...
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