“My name is Sebastian. I am a husband and a father to two girls. After some time, we as a family have decided to make Aliyah, our huge dream really. We are from Argentina; a country that is going through a very difficult time at every level but especially financially, and that affected us as a family at every level too.”

“Our dream was to make Aliyah, which always meant for each one of us a better future for our family, settling in a place where we know it can offer us all that we need. It really has it all for us.”

“For some time, I was the only one in our family who was able to provide for us. That is a big responsibility and not an easy task in Argentina, because of the deep financial hardships many go through. And, because of this situation, my wife and I had to live in separate addresses because we were unable to rent a property where we all could live together as a family.”

“To make Aliyah was our dream. A dream to have a house, to have work to provide for all our needs, to provide a good upbringing and education for our daughters, a future, but also a place where we can live all together as a family again.”

“I recall a time during our process of Aliyah, when I was advised that our Israeli passports would cost around ten thousand Argentine pesos, which would cover for three adults and a child. In our situation, this was a big amount of money that we were not at all able to gather neither save it with time.  It was then when I learned about Ezra through Keren Leyedidut.”

“I believe that when something is seen from so far away, when something seems so unreachable and then  someone comes along and tells you he will help you, he will give it to you; knowing that nothing is asked in return for that help, is something extremely hard to find in our world today. Ezra does so and not only help people to get to Israel but helps them grow and to build a future as well.”

“The word “Gracias,” (Thank you) Gratia a word we get from Latin means favour, honour and praise given without any reason to someone. Then it came to mean an expression of recognition for a favour received. But for us that is not enough to express what our whole family and I feel. We have huge reasons to say thank you to Ezra and all the sponsors who with so much generosity and love made our dream come true.”

“From us four and from all our hearts we are infinitely grateful.”

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