“My name is Miriam, I´m from Salta, Argentina. I am making aliyah with my husband Luis and my children, Tomas and Tali. For me – aliyah means realizing myself as a Jew. We want to make Aliyah to reunite the whole family, because we are Jews and we want to continue life in Israel.”
“My husband lived in Israel and since 2009 he has been with me in Argentina, due to family issues (deaths in the family) we could not return until now. Luis left his two older children from a previous marriage there. I have a 16 year old son also from a previous relationship, Tomas, who is in the NAALE program, in a high school for foreign boys. Together with Luis we had Tali who is 10 years old.”
“It is difficult to leave family and friends here, but I have hopes and dreams that my children will grow free and that there is peace. I found out about Ezra International through other olim. Thank you very much – your help was very important!”