In 1963 John F Kennedy gave a speech in West Berlin in which he spoke the following words; “Ich bin ein Berliner” – “I am a Berliner”. Kennedy gave this anti-communism speech in support of free men everywhere.
Today I declare “Ani Yisraeli” – “I Am an Israeli”. I support the people of Israel and civilized men and women everywhere who have the courage to call out the evil of the radical Islamists. In the over 30 years I’ve been visiting Israel there has never been a more import moment to stand in solidarity with her than today.
The collapse of the Berlin wall triggered a chain of events that resulted in an enormous wave of Aliyah (emigration to Israel). The barbaric events of October 7th have likewise triggered renewed motivation for Jewish people world-wide to return to their ancient homeland. Ezra International has been and will continue to be there to assist in that process.
Yours in Him,
Gary Cristofaro
Vice President