“My name is Catalina. I am from Entre Rios, Argentina. I have decided to make Aliyah with my husband Mauro and our little daughter. Aliyah means a lot for me but especially it means a new life ahead of us as a family. I do remember that I have this desire to make Aliyah since I am fifteen years old. Today this desire remains in my heart and my dream still is to live in Israel and have a future together with my family.”
“As a Jewish family we have suffered different forms of anti-Semitism and discrimination as well. I recall this happened to me while I was in school. My sister also experienced anti-Semitism with her ex-boyfriend and his family at some point.”
“I see that we are a young family and I think a lot about our future but especially the future of our little daughter. We have a deep desire to advance, to move forward in every way in life, to forge a future for our lives, we would like to learn Hebrew as well and with all our hearts, we desire to live in Israel.”
“Some time ago I came to know about Ezra through a WhatsApp group and found out all the help that was available for us, and then I made the step to contact them. Since that day they have helped us with all the expenses related to the documentation and paperwork we needed to pay for our Aliyah.”
“Really, it would be impossible for us to cover all the costs the Aliyah process involves. Our dream to live in Israel would not be possible at all without all the help we have received from Ezra.
And for that reason, I would like to thank you from all my heart for making this dream come true.”
“Thank you so much!”