“I decided already a long time ago to make Aliyah but, somehow, I couldn’t leave. I am Jewish. My relatives have always told me that I should move to Israel. To be honest I wasn’t drawn to it and therefore somehow didn’t dare to take that step. I married an Israeli woman last year but because of my work at the Israeli Embassy (in the Security Department) I couldn’t go to my family. This year, after a long time, I was able to quit my job and finally make my Aliyah in order to reunite with my family.”
“Ezra helped me a great deal. They helped with advice at the beginning and later helped me get the proper documents, foreign passport, translations etc and transport to the archives in the regions and, finally, transport to the airport.”
“I have experienced some anti-Semitism here. When I sat in the bus, wearing my kippa, an elderly man began to shout at me saying that we Jews are killing their children and so on. In a café several youths came to me with the threat that they will kill me because Jews are the enemies of Muslims, and Jews are killing Muslims.”
“I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me! The help you have given is priceless. I especially want to thank your representative, Samir. It’s very pleasant to know that there are people who are doing this work! Thank you. Thank you that you exist as an organisation and that you help the Jewish people in Azerbaijan!”